Paranormal Existence

The Young Boy Who Seen Spirits

When I was younger I used to have many paranormal experiences with spirits and possibly demons. This is my story……

       One night I was spending the night at my cousins house. I was staying the night and it was really late. But I had to use the bathroom. So I got up and walked out into the hallway to the bathroom and before I could reach the bathroom I heard something fall and I looked up to see a black shadow jolt right at me. So I took off to the room and slammed the bedroom door and locked it. It is one of the many experiences I had while I was younger. Their house has a history of deaths in the house.
Another experience was short but frightening. I was asleep in my room and had a nightmare so I set straight up in my bed. Only to see a strange black figure standing in the corner of my room just standing and staring at me. A week later I had dreamed of me running through hell and being chased by demons. When out of nowhere my grandparent appeared. He was deceased before I was born. I saw him burn up and I took off running. Only to run into a room where I shut and locked the door. The screaming or screeching coming from a black figure with long hair. No face just darkness. The the room began to completely fill with darkness and just before the demon could get me I woke up.
My last account of a spirit is of my great grandpa. I was asleep and was woken by whispering in my ear. When I awoke I seen my great grandpa standing next to the front door of our place which is right down the hallway calling my name. Calling me towards him. Everything was dark but I could see him in all the darkness. All of these things has made me believe in spirits more than ever.

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